How Aston Commercial switched to a cloud based platform
Marc Hayden
Director & Head of Property Management
Aston CommercialWhat property management software were you using prior to Cirrus8?
RP Office
How would you describe your team’s performance since implementing Cirrus8?
Certainly we have seen better efficiencies and processes put in place since the transition. Initially it was challenging for team to take on a new property management program however as time progressed the team being comfortable and confident on the navigation.
During the implementation of Cirrus8 what problems or challenges did you encounter and how did we work with you to solve these problems?
It's never a perfect transition going from one property management program to another, however it was certainly the easiest I’ve had to manage. The transition team at Cirrus8 clearly mapped out the process and timelines. As issues arose it was quickly resolved.
What advice would you give people considering switching to a cloud-based platform?
Without stating the obvious do your research, talk to your IT contractors and discuss with Cirrus8 your present system issues and requirements.
What are 2 of your favourite functions within Cirrus8?
Automated Invoicing
Financial Reporting
How has Cirrus8 separated you from your competition?
Owner Portal has been a game changer.