Filter by portfolio, so you only see the information you need. Access virtual forms to start your paperless workflows.
The forms section displays common tasks, including rent reviews, charges and credits, payments, receipts and standing charges (recurring charges). Users can view forms, completely new forms and view their processing status.
They are simple to use and only present relevant information to the user.
For example, on the rent review form, if you select a date for the charge to take effect before the current billing date, you are presented with options for calculating back charges and generating an interim invoice.
The calendar shows critical dates within the system, including lease and property related dates such as rent review, lease expiry, and reminders to collect management fees. Select a date on the calendar to display an itemised list of tasks for that day, with links to online forms and the ability to mark those tasks as completed in the diary.
Cirrus8 forms are designed with a focus on usability. Dropdowns help you choose from a list of items, and radio groups are used when offering a simple choice. Date fields have intelligent shortcuts, while a pop-up calendar is available if you prefer to point and click.
Cirrus8 schedules email reminders for critical diary dates. These can be sent daily to Property Managers, notifying them of all tasks for that day and upcoming items. Email reminders can also be scheduled monthly to provide an analysis of outstanding items, or forecast future items.
For Management, Cirrus8 provides a consolidated report of all outstanding items for all Property Managers.
Real-time charts with drill-down capabilities enable managers and other stakeholders to assess metrics quickly.
Metrics for analysis include leases under management, property arrears, fees received, property valuations and many more.
Charts have multiple views, allowing analysis of metrics against different criteria.
For example, an area under management can be viewed by portfolio, property manager or property. Fees received can be viewed by property manager or property and also offers a view of the management fee components by account.
Cirrus8’s diary system allows dates to be tracked against a property, lease, or general reminder. All critical dates have a status of either open or closed to facilitate task completion.
While diarised items can be managed centrally from the Diary Maintenance form, one of the key advantages of Cirrus8 is that date management is usually done in context with the associated task.
For example, rent review, lease expiry, and option dates are diarised when creating a new lease. A management fee collection reminder can be diarised, and the related diary item closed when completing a rent review.
A timeline of outstanding and upcoming reminders is presented through the calendar on the dashboard and provides access to the associated task.